I went to visit my daughter’s speed coach, Cindy, the other day. She’s the kind of woman who is easy to crush on –super smart, generous with her time, and, above all, kick-ass tough. She trains sprinters and long-distance runners, soccer players and dancers . . . basically any kind of athlete who wants to move faster and more efficiently, which means fine-tuning form and making all of the many...
Week #1 – CARLA
I lost a friend of almost 30 years just a few weeks ago. She suffered from Crohn’s disease her entire adult life, and cancer these last seven years. She was a fighter in all respects, and one of those people who told doctors just how things were going to go down. When hospitalized 18 months ago from a complication we all thought would end her life, she repeatedly told her...
About The Blog

There’s so much noise around turning 50. Does one deny being a half-century old? Embrace the achievement? Fight like the devil to turn back the clock? Without question, this age instigates a new chapter with bigger stakes and a growing sense of urgency. Given our youth-obsessed culture and my own compulsion to stay young, I wondered how honestly I could write about this milestone. Fifty on Fifty is my experiment.