I have a revenge fantasy involving my children. Yes, I go there. When beaten down by teenage dismissiveness, indifference, and contradiction, I think about what I could do to pay them back. Not to hurt them, of course, but make them squirm. Feel the discomfort that I feel. I imagine that I get a job as a barista at the Starbucks closest to their school. I work the popular 8-4...
I love me a good odd number. Like 25. So easy to add, and multiply. The typical age by which the brain becomes fully developed. The only good coin. Christmas day. My son’s birthday. And zipadeedoodah, drum roll, please, the midpoint of this midlife writing adventure. Yup, I’m standing at the top of the mountain, looking out at the view, thinking that the climb to the summit wasn’t so bad,...
Last weekend my friend celebrated her 50th birthday. After some back-and-forth planning, four of us headed to Olympic Spa in Los Angeles for an afternoon of cleansing and renewal. Naturally, I was excited for the respite and a chance to hang out with this remarkable trio of women, but I was also feeling rather anxious –it had been a long time since I was full-on naked. For the record, I...